It is our mission at the Switchback Chiropractic to provide you with quality health care in the form of manual medicine and Functional Medicine.  We look to restore and support the normal function of the musculoskeletal system and to optimize the physiology of your internal systems.  When these services are combined with appropriate education and nutritional products, the net outcome will be an enhanced quality of life. 


Our Chiropractic Services Include


Chiropractic adjustment

Gonstead Technique and Motion Palpation Institute is our foundation for chiropractic adjustments and manipulations, using evidence-based techniques for the assessments and treatments.

Dynamic neuromuscular stabilization (dns)

The principles of DNS originate in Prague and are effective in stabilizing and rehabilitating the human body. We utilize specific developmental positions to relearn simple movements.

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Functional Medicine

“Functional medicine is defined as patient center, science based health care that identifies and addresses underlying biochemical environmental, physiological, and psychological factors to reverse disease progression and enhance vitality.”

- The Institute for Functional Medicine


Dry Needling

Dry needling is similar to acupuncture, but using local treatment sites. The needles abolish trigger points, calm down muscles, and reduce pain.



Microcurrent is a technique for treating conditions by using low-level electrical current. The current is delivered to certain parts of the body in an attempt to relieve the symptoms, and treat the condition.


Using these different approaches we strive to reduce pain for our patients using holistic treatment. If you are suffering from back pain, neck pain, joint pain, sciatic pain, or nerve pain, we can help. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment to begin your journey to a pain-free life!



Most asked questions to chiropractors

  • Chiropractic is useful in treating most musculoskeletal conditions. Historically the primary complaints are typically low back or neck pain, however, many practitioners are proficient in treating the whole body. Other conditions range from ankle sprains to frozen shoulders. If you are experiencing joint and muscle pain or dysfunction, chiropractic could be a great resource.

  • “Chiropractic is widely recognized as one of the safest nondrug, noninvasive forms of health care available for the treatment of neuromusculoskeletal complaints. Although chiropractic has an excellent safety record, no health treatment is completely free of potential adverse effects. The risks associated with chiropractic, however, are very small. Many patients feel immediate relief following chiropractic treatment, but some may experience mild soreness, stiffness or aching, just as they do after some forms of exercise. Current research shows that minor discomfort or soreness following spinal manipulation typically fades within 24 hours.

    Neck pain and some types of headaches are treated through precise cervical manipulation. Cervical manipulation, often called a neck adjustment, works to improve joint mobility in the neck, restoring range of motion and reducing muscle spasm, which helps relieve pressure and tension. Neck manipulation, when performed by a skilled and well educated professional such as a doctor of chiropractic, is a remarkably safe procedure.

    Some reports have associated high-velocity upper neck manipulation with a certain rare kind of stroke, or vertebral artery dissection. However, evidence suggests that this type of arterial injury often takes place spontaneously in patients who have pre-existing arterial disease. These dissections have been associated with everyday activities such as turning the head while driving, swimming, or having a shampoo in a hair salon. Patients with this condition may experience neck pain and headache that leads them to seek professional care at the office of a doctor of chiropractic or family physician, but that care is not the cause of the injury. The best evidence indicates that the incidence of artery injuries associated with high-velocity upper neck manipulation is extremely rare—about one to three cases in 100,000 patients who get treated with a course of care. This is similar to the incidence of this type of stroke among the general population.

    If you are visiting your doctor of chiropractic with upper-neck pain or headache, be very specific about your symptoms. This will help your doctor of chiropractic offer the safest and most effective treatment, even if it involves referral to another healthcare provider.

    When discussing the risks of any healthcare procedure, it is important to look at that risk in comparison to other treatments available for the same condition. In this regard, the risks of serious complications from spinal manipulation for conditions such as neck pain and headache compare very favorably with even the most conservative care options. For example, the risks associated with some of the most common treatments for musculoskeletal pain (i.e. over-the-counter or prescription nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) and prescription painkillers) are significantly greater than those of chiropractic manipulation.

    Moreover, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has reported that overuse and abuse of prescription opioid pain medications is among the leading causes of accidental death in the United States.

    Doctors of chiropractic are well trained professionals who provide patients with safe, effective care for a variety of common conditions. Their extensive education prepares them to identify patients who have special risk factors and to ensure those patients receive the most appropriate care, even if that requires referral to a medical specialist.” – Quoted directly from the American Chiro Association

  • Yes, children can benefit from chiropractic just like adults. Kids tend to take more falls or experience blows. These injuries can be conservatively managed to avoid chronic conditions or reinjuries.

  • In our office and in many, chiropractic does not require a referral from an MD. You can schedule an appointment by calling or emailing the office.

  • In our office we do not accept or bill insurances. We do accept HSA and FSA cards.

  • Chiropractors receive a Bachelors degree at the minimum and proceed to complete a postgraduate Doctoral program. During the doctoral program, they must complete and pass five board examinations. To practice, they are required to hold a professional license through the state they work in and register through their local board.

  • Due to the hands-on nature of chiropractic care, it requires the patient to be present in the office. The treatment plan differs depending on the condition. For example, acute care is likely to be frequent visits over a couple weeks’ time. Where performance and wellness care could depend on sporting events or once a month visits. Our office is devoted to giving the patient a personalized care plan.

  • This has been studied extensively. The popping sound is actually small bubbles of gas in the fluid of the joint. When the joints are decompressed or opened up, it creates low pressure and then the small bubbles of gas join to make one larger bubble. Then when the joint goes back to normal, they dissipate back into the fluid. Sometimes this is thought to be the bones breaking or ligaments tearing. These things only happen when the joint or tissue is taken past its safe range of motion or with a traumatic injury.